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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tab Native's Agenda, Archive

Native's Agenda

Native Americans,
Take your place and be the "keeper" of your kinsmen. We are all related!

Fire ceremony every day, even 4-6 times a day. Forgiveness while doing the walk about within your home and community. And move into Heaven's numinous space. Prepare the others colors of the Rainbow how to adapt to the changing evolutionary rolling hills. Our children need us, our kinsmen need us and mostly, our Ancestors need us to be sacred and blessed all the day long. Don't forget to sing, dance, have joy in daily gatherings with others and know you are perfect, by seeing the wonder of the Perfect Garden we now enter, Heaven and Earth.

All land is being returned to Great Spirit Mother's guidance. Natives shall return to the Keeping of her care. Teaching the other nations to know the Great Spirits and the numinous creation of Heaven, the embrace of light that flows like the wind.

Ask White Buffalo Calf Woman for blessings and purification.
Prepare yourselves. Yellow Chief says, "I accept this challenge!" We are going home...
Aho, may your spirit fly!

Ordained at Horizon West
West Native North Americans (numinous),
What will be learned! (Living Law will be distributed by them, knowledge of the Rainbow Colors)
- caretaker of the living library, Rainbow Clan Law (red road, the flesh journey at the horizon entrance)
Leading Physical Body Blue Lake, Taos, Her Holiness Looks Back. (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Leading Soul Body, Spirit of the Lake, Lakota, His Holiness Looking Horse (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Medicine Women
- Keepers of Medicine Healing
Heavenly Army Commanders
- Men of Red Native

Walk the way, Seek the Vision Quest
Great Father and Great Mother Directs all at the Eastern shore
70 the sacred circle

red road-, the law of love, tree of life, the physical realm, fastened to the earth allowing the wind (from water, soul body) to flow through the physical body (fastened and still), creating sacred space and sanctuary, through seasonal celebration and daily creations of joy, the flesh, the breath traveling over rolling hills.

blue road-, the law of sound, the song of our hearts, the soul realm, flowing to and fro of the heavenly realm allowing the heart from the eternal knowing of perfection, to guide the body of lights as tools of for the journey of the spirit, or refection of the to and fro of the heart that knows, like the moon that glows, because it reflects the sunshine's glow.

yellow way-, the law of the eternal spirit, fountain of life, the soul realm and the flesh realm unified, where the spirit is reborn, to do what you say, and say what you do. Here the dream is born, and we are the child within, who begins to know wisdom and grows to be, the dream of his own, and mother and father, of the soul and the flesh, say I am one birth, the dream of my girth. The yellow is wisdom of the red and blue cross, to bring us home again, when all is lost.

spiritual being - when the tree of life, the physical body, can fight for love and allow the true heart of the eternal fountain to flow, the reflection of the heart, a mirror to your feelings we see in each other through the blue waters and blue sky. This can only be done, if we care enough to share as contributing relations. We walk the Red Road, the law of love, by doing what we say. We walk the Yellow way, the true heart, by voicing our feelings.

white man- father nation, NE, leading the world of luminous
yellow man- child nation, NW, teachers of the yellow way, "law of spiritual love"
red man - twin nation, SW, "keeper of the reflection, the red road, "law of physical love"
black man - mother nation, SE, leading the heart of numinous
Vertical horizon - north ( land mass peninsula) golden
Vertical horizon - south ( land mass islands) brown

Star of David - Heaven and Earth as Oneness The House of the Beloved - the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
- Holiness David "Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star" (lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance, Reverence is Returned
- White Buffalo Calf Woman "Twin Deer Mother" (crystal person)
- Celestial Crown of Heaven, Reader of the Your Book of Life, Perfection in Truth

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Arise! Yellow Chief says, "I accept this challenge!"


White Buffalo Calf Woman Comment by White Buffalo Calf Woman on October 2, 2009 at 3:49pm
Relatives, There is much for you to know in order to gain control, for we are the children who teach the elders who do not meet and greet. For we must forgive the rest, who did not do their best, because if we don't choose the way, none of our children will know the way! It is ignorance that led the way, and now wisdom and prove the day, that united is a greater force, look I stand my ground to prove my love! Over rolling hills we go, with our flesh and our souls, and we need do what we say, to show that blessings can lead the way. Every hour of every day, is the way to trust inside of us. For the perfect structure does grow and pop out when we do bless. It's like Emoto Water Crystals prove, that water does do move, and it flows back and forth, and around when it needs to, however it changes form to conform to those around, but now it's not so strong, and we need bless to protect the storm. I say, you need bless to bring the form, the lost and scattered ways, back into alignment to prove the house of God is six sides of a crystal form. When we bless, the many shapes continue to reappear, to the perfect snow flake, like Emoto's water crystal forms. We are just like this test, and when we bless and bless our days, then we become strong like the water, who brings back strength with the blessings. But if we don't and fail to bless, then when the storm come we do not pass the test, because our forms are turned a way and broken for all to make it slate, (smooth and straight, not billowed to break the waves). We are not two dimensional, but three the sacred form. Be the beloved, the star of david, because then you will be blessed like crystal forms. And all you need do is bless and bless, and forgive with fire each day. your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother who blesses you each and every day!


Tab Rainbow Warrior's Agenda, Archive

Rainbow Warrior's Agenda

Power is the light (physical) and love (soul) working together as the tree of live and fountain of youth equals equals happiness doing what is right! The Soul moves in this order, according to the laws of love (sound), in the physical realm of lights (rainbow colors).

First step is joy, you learn to dream.
Second step is the Warrior, you learn to protect love (sound of the
Third you become the Caretaker, where the laws of love are
applied within the laws of light. You serve others in their needs.

From the center which we call the race of men (heaven's flight has
touched down upon the earth, where unification takes place through
holiness, sacred deliverance), the reflection (blue or relation) of
the oneness within and without. let the plan of love (heartbeat and
song at the eternal motion at the fountain that springs tears of
joy or suffering, the deep waters of the ocean blue, the reflection
of me and you, within our dreams in the darkness of heavens soul
flight, the constant like water that never stops flowing and finds
it's way allowing and receiving all the oneness has to give.

Remember how it smelled the cleansing, like after a rain's water
that blesses and gifts life again. renew within, where joy of
dreaming flows.) and light work out and may the door be open to the
pure hearts forever and ever to dwell in love and light to restore
the power on Earth to invite all homeward with a blessing and

Walk the Way, Seek the Vision Quest
Great Father and Great Mother Directs all at the Eastern shore 70 the sacred circle

Red road-, the law of love, tree of life, the physical realm, fastened to the earth allowing the wind (from water, soul body) to flow through the physical body (fastened and still), creating sacred space and sanctuary, through seasonal celebration and daily creations of joy, the flesh. From the point of view of love, within the heart of God is Oneness (Blue Lake), let love stream forth into the hearts of men. (light the physical body) (law of love, sound, directed by the soul body. Eldest is the Red Man, the Star Journey. Spirit of the Lake).

Yellow way-, the law of the eternal spirit, fountain of life, the soul realm, flowing to and fro of the heavenly realm allowing the heart from the eternal knowing of perfection, to guide the physical body (light as tools) for the journey, the breath. Power, will of men. Light stream forth into the physical realm of men. Let Light descend on Earth. Let purpose guide the Rainbow Warrior--the purpose of Kingsmen to serve and know where the will is known. . .Point of light within the mind of God (oneness) from the center the Golden way. (heart is the soul body) (law of the light directed by the physical body).

spiritual being - when the tree of life, the physical body, can fight for love and allow the true heart of the eternal fountain to flow, the reflection of the heart, the soul body, a mirror to your feelings we see in each other through the blue waters and blue sky. This can only be done, if we care enough to share as contributing relations. We walk the Red Road, the law of love, by doing what we say. We walk the Yellow way, the true heart, by voicing our feelings.

white man- father nation, NE, leading the world of luminous..

yellow man- child nation, NW, teachers of the yellow way, "law of spiritual love".

red man - twin nation, SW, "keeper of the reflection, the red road, "law of physical love".

black man - mother nation, SE, leading the heart of numinous.

Vertical horizon - north ( land mass peninsula) golden (white and yellow).

Vertical horizon - south ( land mass islands) brown (red and black).

Tab Walk the Sacred Way, Vision Quest, Archive

Walk the Sacred Way, Vision Quest

Walk the Sacred Way, Seek the Vision Quest Great Father and Great Mother Directs all at the Eastern shore 70 the sacred circle
Red road-, the law of love, tree of life, the physical realm, fastened to the earth allowing the wind (from water, soul body) to flow through the physical body (fastened and still), creating sacred space and sanctuary, through seasonal celebration and daily creations of joy, the flesh. From the point of view of love, within the heart of God is Oneness (Blue Lake), let love stream forth into the hearts of men. (light the physical body) (law of love, sound, directed by the soul body. Eldest is the Red Man, the Star Journey. Spirit of the Lake)

Yellow way-, the law of the eternal spirit, fountain of life, the soul realm, flowing to and fro of the heavenly realm allowing the heart from the eternal knowing of perfection, to guide the physical body (light as tools) for the journey, the breath. Power, will of men. Light stream forth into the physical realm of men. Let Light descend on Earth. Let purpose guide the Rainbow Warrior--the purpose of Kingsmen to serve and know where the will is known. . . .Point of light within the mind of God (oneness) from the center the Golden way. (heart is the soul body) (law of the light directed by the physical body)

Spiritual being - when the tree of life, the physical body, can fight for love and allow the true heart of the eternal fountain to flow, the reflection of the heart, the soul body, a mirror to your feelings we see in each other through the blue waters and blue sky. This can only be done, if we care enough to share as contributing relations. We walk the Red Road, the law of love, by doing what we say. We walk the Yellow way, the true heart, by voicing our feelings. Power is the light (physical) and love (soul) working together as the tree of live and fountain of youth equals equals happiness doing what is right!

The Soul moves in this order, according to the laws of love (sound), in the physical realm of lights (rainbow colors). First step is joy, you learn to dream. Second step is the Warrior, you learn to protect love (sound of the heart), Third you become the Caretaker, where the laws of love are applied within the laws of light. You serve others in their needs. From the center which we call the race of men (heaven's flight has touched down upon the earth, where unification takes place through holiness, sacred deliverance), the reflection (blue or relation) of the oneness within and without. let the plan of love (heartbeat and song at the eternal motion at the fountain that springs tears of joy or suffering, the deep waters of the ocean blue, the reflection of me and you, within our dreams in the darkness of heavens soul flight, the constant like water that never stops flowing and finds it's way allowing and receiving all the oneness has to give. remember how it smelled the cleansing, like after a rain's water that blesses and gifts life again. renew within, where joy of dreaming flows.) and light work out and may the door be open to the pure hearts forever and ever to dwell in love and light to restore the power on Earth to invite all homeward with a blessing and purification.

white man- father nation, NE, leading the world of luminous
yellow man- child nation, NW, teachers of the yellow way, "law of spiritual love"
red man - twin nation, SW, "keeper of the reflection, the red road, "law of physical love"
black man - mother nation, SE, leading the heart of numinous

Vertical horizon - north ( land mass peninsula) golden (white and yellow)
Vertical horizon - south ( land mass islands) brown (red and black)

Be the Rainbow Warrior, Stand your Ground and Speak your Heart
Help another person to validate your heart. If they are unable, realize that you need to bless and give law, by uniting the heart. Ask for a hug. (Hearts unite is law of love, the Red Road). If you cannot get this Hug, be sure to send love and sacred hearts blessing, realizing they do not know how to walk the Red Road, the law of love, which unites two hearts. Get a hug, Demand a Hug. Wife and Mother, stand your ground on this, especially for men. We fight only for one reason, to unite separated hearts. It is imperative that Man switch from Left Brain Rationalism to Right Brain Heart. For only Woman can integrate (Neural synapses bundles at the center of the brain at the place cranial bones move like a butterfly with each breath.) brain hemispheres at the same time, because Man or light, and is on a Mission. This means Woman needs to ask for the hug, for this is the physical law of love, the Red Road. She is the "Fire Tender", or unseen (numinous, soul body) embrace to the fire's light of Man (luminous, physical body). Remember, to validate the heart. Its speaks, "My spirit recognizes your spirit, the eternal flow of Oneness there is love."

Enjoy Divine Imagination and Love
Audio Holy Peace Vocals available each week at
Venue: Holiness Peace Song Prayer Vocals
Title: Six Little Indians Standing in a Row,
Twin feathers to the Star of David, the house of the beloved, all the children of god

*notation whitey. White is the entire rainbow spectrum of colors. This is the perfect white snow flake that shows the perfect warrior on mountain peaks. A white Brotherhood is when Warriors follow the Yellow path of the Dreamtime (soul) and the Red road of the law of love (flesh) united in self, voicing their dream, the heart is known. This knowing comes from the garment of lights we all carry, the physical body, and the song of our hearts, the soul body. When we understand the sacred walk of unification, we become the Whitey, united as One family of Rainbow Clan. Father Sky from Heaven, the Cosmic Father, we call the Sun in the Sky, who is the Golden One who openly fears the unknown stars and plans the way, driving us forward to new worlds and new gardens like Earth. The Sun in the Sky radiates Golden Light and Greets Grandfather who descends as White light, like a cloud on a clear day, upon all his children and feeding them with rays of love and devotion for growth. The White Man is the sacred direction of the Father Nation and thus appears to walk ahead of the family, caring for it's needs (Body Elder). Black Man (light is always a male principle, the image) is the Mother Nation who suffers for her family of Oneness, the blue of me and you (reflection), my relative the most and knows the spiritual song and heartbeat. Yellow Man is the Child Nation, who always becomes the Teacher of Wisdom. The Child leads the way with the Dream. Red Man is the Twin Child, Eldest Souls who are the Keeper Nation, attending the Red Road, the law of love, helping the family find the Dreamtime upon the Rolling Hills. The Sacred Circle come home to us and know our Oneness again!

*six represents the four sacred directions and the other two directions of the Great flow live!
the six Indians (Native Americans) stand guard as the eldest of the souls to protect the world of vision, the dream time.

Title: Six Little Indians Standing in a Row, Twin feathers to the Star of David

Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. They mark the hall of fame, where everything grows. Six Little Indians Standing in a Row.
The Warrior is feared, the Warrior who's true. Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. Four standing guard to the embrace of the flow. Two going back and forth and ebbing and flow. Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. Protecting the, place that will grow.
Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. This is the place where the Rainbow Grows.

Six little stars they come and shine below. They come to show their light, they come to know the grow. Six little stars their standing in a row. They come to know the place where it grows. They come to know the place where it grows.


Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. Elders they would be and Warriors of the pure. Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. Protecting everything that's God's mighty glow.


Six little stars you know they come to shine. They come to shine the way the way to all the ways. Six little stars you know they come to shine the way, and they are called the brotherhood to come to know the grow.


Six little stars, the white brotherhood to come. They bring all the light the sign of brotherhood. Six little Indians they stand upon the crown. They open their arms, and say, "Here is the place to grow."


Six little Indians standing in a row. They're waiting for the six there standing in the stars, They come and know the way, of the way of brotherhood. the place of all the light that grows. the place of all the light that grows.

Six little Indians standing in a row. The embrace that they shall be The light of all the lights. Six little Indians standing in a row.
Reflection they will be, the capture of the light. Six little Indians standing in a row. Building we will be realization it will see.
Six little Indians standing in a row. Embracing it will be, the love for you and me.

We wait upon the starry nights. And wait upon our brothers flight. We welcome them home to divinity, as they bring the light of brotherhood to thee. Welcome the twinkling lights you've waited for so long. the brothers everyday you walk beside the way, everyplace you go, there's Brothers everywhere. If only my heart was pure, and I could see them there. I wait upon the night, to see the twinkling stars. the light of Brotherhood, that shines upon the ground. The place I bring my heart, that Heaven and Earth abound. The place of Garden Pure, The place I dream about.

Six Little Indians Standing in a Row. Warriors they would be and Keepers true to thee. Waiting, for the six the stars that come from above. The stars of Brotherhood.The white man in front of thee. So everyday you walk besides you. Know they're coming home to you. Everyday you see your children Yellow (Dream, middle way) it will be. So Mother pure, the black man comes. And knows the love of me. So twinkling stars above come home to me and Brotherhood it will be.


So, six Little Indians Standing in a Row. Loving you and me and Keepers of the true. Six little Indians, warriors that will be, the Indigo (perfect soul warrior) you'll see, the warrior that knows me. I am the reflection of all of God's trees. I am the blue of you and me. I am the reflections of oceans that are true. the blue of you and me. oh, the holiness has found us, the glory that will be
to deliver us and know that we're Kingsmen to be. It will be the time of brotherhood. You just wait and see.

Six little Indians stand in a row just for thee. and keepers they will be and warriors of the free they'll know the way to loves' red road the law that sets us free



Heaven and Earth welcome home!
Sacred Drum played and the Sound of the step, Red Road, by Holiness Running Eagle
Singing the heart of the reflection (the blue, my relative) by White Buffalo Calf Woman
"Yellow Family" Yellow Chief says, "I accept this challenge!"

Comment by White Buffalo Calf Woman on April 29, 2009 at 1:39am
The Golden (Rainbow) Warrior Path who walks the way . . . Walk the path of the Golden Warrior through the “gate of no gate”* where Holiness and Peace abide together upon Heaven and Earth. Here they become the Beloved children of light as One Multi-colored Rainbow Clan, for these Golden warriors fly free across the Holy Jade Temple within and bridge between the worlds. As they dwell in the House of David1 as kinsmen upon Mother Earth's Plum Blossoms2, they become the Paladins to the Golden Age. These champions do not seek battle, yet overcome the opponent. The Sleeping Dragon3 within the Golden Palace dreams the glorious song of victory as the sweet fragrance fills the flight, flowing formless. The numinous4 nameless Golden5 Warrior knows the true master dwells within. Spoken truth of Mañjuśrī-kumāra-bhūta (a Crystal Person) Sanskrit name meaning "Gentle Glory" Another name is WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman "TwinDeerMother" *The “gate of no gate” speaks of the “gateway” between darkness and light, like how the sun touches the earth and how the light cleanses with the law of love, the red road. Here Holiness is born. The lavender person represents the crowned one of earth, Our Holiness. The “no gate” is known as the ”pearly gates or the doorway” like when the sky meets the heaven. Here Peace is born. The crystal person represents the crowned one of heaven, Our Peace. When Heaven and Earth merges together, the “gate of no gate” opens into the House of David and the “horizon”a lies before us within as we enter the vision quest. When we learn truth from within, we become servants to this brotherhood of Oneness and a Great Caretaker is born. The Golden warrior takes his place, entering the vision quest and knows: Knock and the door shall be opened. Ask and you shall receive. Walk the path of the Golden Warrior through the “gate of no gate” where Holiness and Peace abide together upon Heaven and Earth. aThe “horizon” is the place where we enter the unknown numinous, the black hole, to seek our vision quest. Here where the Great Caretaker is born, the Golden Warrior, who has united the physical world with the soul world, has found vision into the unknown and fears no more. He has now become the Sage following the way, the true way, the one way, as the formless flows everlasting. During these times it is said that, “a body is born at sunset in the west” and “a soul is born at sunrise in the east”. These are ominous times of majestic grace, that feeds our very beings with light at the horizon. The magenta person shows us time after time how to serve others as are they the keepers of the books of life. God's librarian to all information. The magenta person represents the Great caretaker as well as the horizon's luminosity like at sunrise and sunset, Our Grace. 1The House of David is the Beloved, which includes all our relations; rocks, plants and animals. We travel towards Oneness as a part of Evolution. The Great Father, Great Mother Spirits and the Ancient Ones consider us the beloved children of light and as One Multi-colored Rainbow Clan. We learn that we are perfect beings from within as we learn to receive love. We are divine from the numinous flowing as we tell our stories throughout time and space.
2The plum is associated with the start of spring or the beginning, because plum blossoms are some of the first blossoms to open during the year as does the golden warrior is the first to teach the way of the heart as all feelings are included. Plum festivals are celebrated in public parks, shrines and temples just as we celebrate in our heart. Unlike cherry blossoms, plum blossoms have a strong fragrance. Smells help us to remember events in our lives. Blossoms range in color from white to dark pink. White is for purity and red is the law of love. Pink has light upon it, the color of the horizon. Most plum blossoms have five petals, which represents the clansman with the blue rays of their light, providing us with the illusion of the Great Ocean; offering us the reflection of all light and to feel with our heart. And finally the petals give us the life of breath, as the flower unfolds.
3The sleeping dragon represents a dreaming snake with wings. The snake represents the physical numinous of bonding and birth and the wings represent the luminous of soul flight. The sleeping dragon allows us to fly through the heavens in our dream state, awake or not. Here Realization is born. This is represented by the aqua person who realizes life is the unfolding flower as well as the perfect diamond sutra. The aqua person lives their lives as leader of men, who create the impossible, a realization. 4The numinous, or nameless, is the feeling filled with a sense of the presence of divinity or holiness. As well as appealing to the higher emotions of love and the aesthetic sense of our spiritual life. 5Golden is the yellow color that is born within the darkness. It represents birth and the dreamer, as well as the third phase of evolution, when heaven and earth shares the sacred yellow hill of time and space together. This period begins winter solstice in the year 2012, Gregorian calender, as the Mayan astronomers predicted. 

Tab Rainbow Warrior Prophecy, Archive

Rainbow Warrior Prophecy

Red the color of the Red Road, the law of love. (Flesh) Blue the color of the Blue Road, the law of song, or sound. Yellow the color of the Yellow Way, the law of wisdom. (united Soul and Flesh). The Vision Quest is when we are attempting to unify the Soul with the Flesh and walk one path (do what you say, negotiate, stand fastened to the law of love) rather than two (not doing what you say, arguing with self and others). We, the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy fight for love, for the Hug or unification of two hearts on the Sacred Journey along the Red Road. We fight for nothing else. Nothing Else is worth fighting for except love! We are all correct in reflection (truth is validated), if we listen and negotiate the way home. Receive your kinsmen by being part of the Great Give-A-Way. Welcome Home Rainbow Warriors.

Warriors of the Rainbow-CREE PROPHECY Last century an old wise woman of the Cree Indian nation, named "Eyes of Fire", had a vision of the future. She prophesied that one day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist. There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind's key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow".

There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit. The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or "Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way of the Great Spirit". They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick". The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path light with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four corners of the Earth. Like the Ancient Tribes, they would teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along the path to the ocean of life.

Once again, they would be able to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding and respect for all mankind, Nature and the Great Spirit. They would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the Master of Life - the Great Spirit! They would find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitude of life. Their children would once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed. The rivers would again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals would again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life.
The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives. The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way - not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs. They would be chosen by their "quality" and not the amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted "Ancient Chiefs", they would understand the people with love, and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore it to health and beauty.

The tasks of these "Warriors of the Rainbow" are many and great. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this road of returning "Mother Earth" to beauty and plenty - once more. The day will come, it is not far away. The day that we shall see how we owe our very existence to the people of all tribes that have maintained their culture and heritage. Those that have kept the rituals, stories, legends and myths alive. It will be with this knowledge, the knowledge that they have preserved, that we shall once again return to "harmony" with Nature, Mother Earth and mankind. It will be with this knowledge that we shall find our "Key to our Survival".

We await the cleansing, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Arise! Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star (Holiness David), White Buffalo Calf Woman (Twin Deer Mother), Elders and other Rainbow Warriors of prophecy have come home to you. We know that only Love will offer us true unity along the Red Road. When the cleansing comes to Earth, the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy will be ready to fight for righteousness and liberty for all. For there is One God and it lives inside of you. Get down on your knees and pray. Ask the Great Spirits what you need to do to find your path homeward to the Vision Quest. We the Rainbow Warriors from the Army of Heaven bless your path, until the day of your Returning. Aho, may your spirit fly!

veronika Comment by veronika on October 5, 2009 at 7:34pm
William Bartlett Comment by William Bartlett on September 6, 2009 at 9:41pm
may we be blessed. we ask this now. hugs yes,
White Buffalo Calf Woman Comment by White Buffalo Calf Woman on September 6, 2009 at 9:17pm
This was sent to me email: Hello Deer I hold a vision of meeting my twin under the red star of a three star system. the sky is red.. and a red kite flies overhead. one love, William Vision: speaking with the heart Meeting: two hearts speak as one Twin: knowing empathy or truth of another's heart, as we twin their hearts with the envelope of love Red Star: the law of love that shines from within, the dream unfolds Three star system: luminousity Sky is Red: Heaven above brings the law of love homeward over rolling hills of time Red kite flies overhead: The sacred four directions of calves, the child who is pure is free in the numinous flowing of darkness, where fear is learning to subside, with blessings and devotion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beloved William, interpretation as this is how many indigo (overlays too) will speak as if by code, and this is heaven's language. This is the way the Bible Speaks. You know most people just don't understand this, that is why I often include interpretation to help others understand the star language of heaven. I'll have to say, it got me motivated and angry to write a lot of about migration and will add it all here, the Great Migration! This is what a Great Teacher can inspire in others, to reflect truth, but for me, it's the reflection of your anger, that you need express more around others, as they need your law of love knowing. Standing your ground is what Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy learn to do, by starting with the law, the law of uniting two broken hearts, with hug, then and only then, will we hear what is said. If they don't want love or blessings, they walk away. It's that simple! Red and Snake is the Law of LOVE, and it's the Law around here! Nicely said above. Thank you for your inputs, now when are you going to ask for blessings? your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
William Bartlett Comment by William Bartlett on September 6, 2009 at 8:13pm
  it feels.. at this point.. earth is renewing her vows in many faces with two systems of human expression, as these two systems of human expression and 'their' many faces, are renewing vows with each other and with earth. and still, as a bridge-person we sense the tonal trait variations between the many tones of the two minglings.. we sense her in her many different faces and levels. Our life experiences have given face to the energetic and tonal responses needed in this great birthing. we chose love as the force behind the hands of transformation. as the process of reconciliation unfolds. i give thanks for the heart that she shares. and it is her who cries i understand this now.. her in me. we are becoming together again and again and again. I love her,, and i speak as a child in saying 'thank you' i speak as a father 'i love you' i speak as a path maker ' i am sorry if i hurt you through misunderstanding and our energetic entanglement' i speak as a brother 'we are family and i have your back' i speak as a lover 'our snakes coil round the heart' our baby is Life and the serpent christened she feels us. and so.. i remember that i feel through her. i feel that we are a place of gathering now... that we are choosing love and recognition as the power of the snakes reflection in the heart.. through the caves... and in the crystal borgs... and by the fire ice that is our source of being that we are becoming One again and again and again. that the spirit moves through her image and that she clothes him according to the mingling of hearts. her heart and body which is her gift as it becomes his answer. through being. it is their hearts desire. just as we choose to keep connection to the various orders of light. in our love affair with red. one love will
White Buffalo Calf Woman Comment by White Buffalo Calf Woman on July 7, 2009 at 2:40am
Yes, Grandparent Going Places, the heights we can attain beyond the unimaginable is coming soon. as the children already are here! we shall gather the shepards from the four corners to arise to the challenge as the blue true royal devoted kingsmen who defend justice and reject the iniquities of man in favor of the heart that has no boundaries, welcoming all on the far shore across the horizon. your devoted servant, Calf Woman
Toltec Rainbow Comment by Toltec Rainbow on April 24, 2009 at 5:43am
Nicely put! How I long for the day when humanity will respect ALL life. When race, gender, species, and other differences do not block the path of the heart or the spiritual teachings that free the soul to soar like eagles! How I long for the day when Earth is free of nefarious manipulation and the galaxies also are allowed to grow without hinderance from Evil. We need a balance between the spiritual understanding of the Indians and the material success's with the understanding our material success or science is not complete till we can create without pollution, or hurting other life forms. When respect will be shown even to the minerals. The heights we can attain are literally unimagineable to us in our present condition.